Run 4 has a production commencement date of October 31st, which is just over 8 weeks away. We did get a date last week but I wasn't happy with it (end of November, and even that was pushing us before most brands effected by the CITES thing). WMI have pushed other brands back to bring us forward.
I'm sure they will start earlier than this. But that's the date they've agreed to.
Jett and I will visit the factory to start QC as guitars are assembled. This means we will save time when guitars arrive here in Australia. We are currently in talks with DHL to see if we can ship direct from Korea to a number of clients to save even more time. I'm not promising this. But it's an option we are trying to make work.
Get excited!!!!
Basses will be built with run 4.
Run 5 will be started to ensure completion is four weeks after run 4. Run 6 a month after, but we are trying to get them built at the same time. It might work that run 5 and 6 SPARES are built last, to bring run 6 per-orders forward.
Stay tuned for further updates!