Congratulations! But we arent finished just yet...
Right, that's STEP one. We have a little bit to go before your order is fully accepted. Ready?
Now we need to select a payment plan. There are four to choose from. Please be careful when choosing your plan, as we CANNOT change the plan after it's been submitted.
If you come across any trouble, simply click back to this page. DON'T submit another form, like the one you just did... that will generate more orders you have to pay for! That's great for us, but we don't think you want that :D
Click to proceed and select a payment plan
Now we need to select a payment plan. There are four to choose from. Please be careful when choosing your plan, as we CANNOT change the plan after it's been submitted.
If you come across any trouble, simply click back to this page. DON'T submit another form, like the one you just did... that will generate more orders you have to pay for! That's great for us, but we don't think you want that :D
Click to proceed and select a payment plan